Quality Reading about Design and the Web
Go to The Deck and see who is in their network. You have to sift the list a little but it shakes out to something like this today (I’ve left out the strictly commercial sites):
- A List Apart - “For People Who Make Websites”
- Cool Tools - Reviews of cool tools
- Daring Fireball - John Gruber, best blog about Apple and related stuff
- Designspiration - Interesting visuals
- Dribbble - More interesting visuals
- FFFFOUND! - More interesting visuals and links, often NSFW
- Fonts in Use - Typography examples and commentary
- Inessential - Brent Simmons
- Kottke - Jason Kottke
- The Loop - Jim Dalrymple and Dave Mark
- Marco.org - Marco Arment
- McSweeneys - Writing
- The Morning News - Interesting things
- Motionographer - Storytelling, animation and how these things are made
- Rands in Repose - Michael Lopp
- Jason Santamaria - Jason Santamaria
- The Setup - “What do people use to get stuff done?”
- Short of the Week - Short film of the week
- Six Colors - Jason Snell and Friends
- swissmiss - Design blog/studio by Tina Roth Eisenberg
- Subtraction - Khoi Vinh
- This Isn’t Happiness - “Art, photography, design & disappointment”
- Typographica - “Type reviews, books, commentary”
- Veerle’s Blog - “Creativity catalyst and design inspiration”
- Waxy - Andy Baio
- Zeldman - Jeffrey Zeldman
Other things: Coudal Partners has some interesting stuff. James Coudal is the founder of The Deck.
The Deck’s take on privacy and tracking is respectable — “WE’RE FINE WITH KNOWING NOTHING.”
Categories Apple Technology