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Footnotes in Articles

A quick word about how footnotes are implemented on this site…

In a recent post, The Case For a Demagogue, I used footnotes on this site for the first time, but I was not completely satisfied with the result. By using the HTML <sup> tag surrounding a hyperlink, it’s easy enough to format the footnote reference as a superscript and jump to it:

  <li>The 2016 election was the second of the last five in which the 
  winner won while losing the popular vote (Bush #43 in 2000 was the 
  other), and only the fourth in U.S. history 
  <sup><a href="#footnote1">1</a></sup>.

The problem is getting back to where you were in the text. A quick search revealed a good solution from John Gruber at Daring Fireball. He suggests 1) adding an ID for the footnote reference (I’ve used id="ref-footnote1" in the superscript), and 2) at the end of the footnote text, adding a link back to the footnote reference using its ID, along with a Unicode character often used to represent a carriage return. The way I’ve done it looks like this:

  <li>The 2016 election was the second of the last five in which the 
  winner won while losing the popular vote (Bush #43 in 2000 was the 
  other), and only the fourth in U.S. history
  <sup id="ref-footnote1"><a href="#footnote1">1</a></sup>.

<!-- And the footnote section... -->

<div class="footnotes">
  <li id="footnote1">
  From <a href="">Pew Research</a>: 
  <em>In the 1824 election, which was contested between rival 
  factions of the same party, Andrew Jackson won a plurality of the 
  popular and electoral vote, but because he was short of an 
  Electoral College majority the election was thrown to the House of 
  Representatives, which chose runner-up John Quincy Adams.</em> 
  Some sources refer to this as the <em>fifth</em> time the winner 
  did not get a plurality of the popular vote, but for the purpose 
  of this blog post, I consider this a special case since Congress 
  intervened to pick the candidate. <a href="#ref-footnote1" 
  class='footnoteBackLink' title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the 

I like the way this works, so this will be the convention I follow going forward.

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